Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is the New Margate Tesco Going to be Brutal Enough?

Having bunged the council’s latest press release up on the Thanet Press Release blog at earlier, I have just had a chance to read the thing properly.

This was one of the very few occasions that the council also sent me the pictures that go with the press release. I can’t tell really, but it always seems when this happens there has been some sort of mistake and that they intended to withhold them. Pity really as the mixture of the pictures that they get sent by architects of new proposals and the excellent photographs the council take themselves appear to end up where us lot, the people who pay for them, never get to see them.

In terms of the brutalist movement in architecture Arlington House was thought in its time to be something a bit special, I think prizes were involved, possibly a bit of a gherkin in its day.

Anyway looking at the picture above, courtesy TDC what is being proposed looks like something out the 90s shopping mall school of architecture and I wondered if anyone else thought it out of keeping with Arlington House.
I have always thought that there was something Clockwork Orangeish about Arlington House, somewhere to take the devochka, better not go into that one, anyway I have to say that I am a bit disappointed.

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